The Mission

Artful Ruckus is a content channel and design community aimed at helping fellow creatives hone their craft, get ahead in their careers, and feel more confident in their design skills.

The Why

Hi, I’m Tom Munz. I’m an Art Director and Brand Designer with 15+ years of experience in the creative industry.

During my career, I’ve found myself without a mentor or a creative leader to go to for guidance more often than not.

Graphic design roles often leave the designer to figure things out on their own which can be isolating, frustrating, and can lead to stagnation.

I created Artful Ruckus to help designers who find themselves in that same situation by sharing what I’ve learned over the years and offering guidance and mentorship.

The design industry is broken, and it’s time to fix it.

Let’s make a ruckus.

Tom Munz - Artful Ruckus